Bye, Bye Sleeping Through the Night

Bye, Bye Sleeping Through the Night

Have you said “bye, bye” to sleeping through the night?! Are you feeling exhausted or “running on empty” (stress hormones) all day? Do not fear, I have some great tips (and an amazing recipe) for you! The science of sleep is fascinating, complicated and growing… Sleep...
Vitamin D and Zinc Rich Honey Sesame Salmon

Vitamin D and Zinc Rich Honey Sesame Salmon

2-3 lbs salmon fillets ¼ cup soy sauce or tamari ¼ cup sesame oil 1 lemon, juiced 2 tablespoons honey 1 tablespoon of ginger, shredded 1 tablespoon coconut oil 2 tablespoons diced green onions or chives 2 tablespoons sesame seeds Mix soy sauce, sesame oil, lemon...
Men… Losing Strength? This Hormone is the Key!

Men… Losing Strength? This Hormone is the Key!

(Women read on and take note- we too have similar hormones) Yes, for the men we’re talking testosterone (and ladies I’m talking progesterone). Those muscle-building hormones. But I’m not going to recommend that you take any anabolic steroid hormones or...
Chia Peach Green Smoothie

Chia Peach Green Smoothie

Handful spinach 1 tablespoon chia seeds 1 banana 1 chopped peach 1 cup unsweetened almond milk Add ingredients to blender in order listed (you want your greens on the bottom by the blade so they blend better and have the chia on the bottom to absorb some liquid before...