Pricing your Self-Worth

Pricing your Self-Worth

 Why are you not valuing yourself and then complaining that… “I just don’t think this Fitness Business, work for myself stuff is working out for me! The industry is flooded and I’m not very good at marketing or doing FB ads.” ***Goes back to ‘normal’ job. Grrrr...

Progress vs. Perfectionism

So I’m going to give you a weird analogy…. My partner is a  Competitive Snooker & Billiards player. In Billiards, you have to get a score of 250 before your opponent does, to WIN. Now there are 2 kinds of players… A. The person who goes to the table...
No more hiding in your Business.

No more hiding in your Business.

People buy People…!! It’s so easy to get wrapped up in the idea that we need to market, make FB ads, post pretty pictures of our tribes, write content, share recipes, Workout of the weeks and more… And while all of these are important… Notice a theme...

Getting Clear!

Your path to ultimate business success. Success is an ongoing process. I kinda think moving towards it is a lifetime goal. It’s important when we succeed at something in business, the ‘little’ stuff that we pause and celebrate.  Every success counts. Sound familiar,...